Jet Ski Accident Lawyers
Did you have an accident? Contact our Injury Lawyers

South Florida is the boating capital of the world where local residents and visitors enjoy unlimited water activities.
Florida law defines a personal watercraft like a jet ski, as “a vessel less than 16 feet in length which uses an inboard motor powering a water jet pump, as its primary source of motive power and which is designed to be operated by a person sitting, standing, or kneeling on the vessel, rather than in the conventional manner of sitting or standing inside the vessel.”
A person may not operate a personal watercraft unless each person riding on or being towed behind such vessel is wearing one of five personal flotation device designated by Florida or approved by the United States Coast Guard.
It is unlawful for a person to operate a personal watercraft any time between the hours from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise. This does not apply to an agent or employee of a fire or emergency rescue service.
The operator of a personal watercraft equipped with a lanyard-type engine cutoff switch must attach the lanyard to the operator, clothing, or personal flotation device.
How can a Miami Jet Ski Accident Attorney help you?
It is important to know that the operator of a watercraft must operate reasonably and prudently. Maneuvers, which unreasonably or unnecessarily endanger a person’s safety or property, constitute reckless operation of a vessel. An example of such is weaving through congested vessel traffic.
The owner of a leased, hired, or rented personal jet ski or any person having control of such watercraft is not permitted to authorize or permit the watercraft to be operated by any person who has not received instruction in the safe handling of personal watercraft, in compliance with the commission’s rules.
Jet Ski accidents many times result in catastrophic injuries and in some instances the wrongful death of an innocent victim.

What to do after a Jet Ski Accident:
Take photographs of all watercrafts involved
Report Accident to the Police

Take photographs of all visible injuries
Do not speak to anyone but your attorney
Obtain the name and phone number of all witnesses
Obtain immediate medical attention

The Perez-Gurri Law Firm will handle all aspects of your injury case. We will explain the law to you and how it affects your case. You should consult with an attorney who can advise you of your rights and the potential value of your damages. It is very likely that an insurance company adjuster or investigator will attempt to contact you and obtain your statement before you have had an opportunity to speak with an attorney. It is always recommended that you speak to an attorney before you speak with a representative from an insurance company.
What you may be entitled to receive, including but not limited to:
-Payment of medical bills
-Payment of lost wages
-Payment of lost services
-Payment for loss of earning capacity
-Payment for physical pain and suffering
-Payment for emotional pain and suffering
-Payment for property damage