Day care accidents often occur as a result of the negligence of the child care provider, and in Florida the reports of injuries to children at child care centers are growing at an alarming rate.
In fact, earlier this year, at a Miami area childcare center, an 18-month-old toddler was pronounced dead as emergency crews arrived on the scene. The devastation that the family of this child must have suffered is unimaginable. And this case follows on the heels of the $3 million award issued to a Miami-Dade resident who was sexually abused while she was at a daycare center. In this tragic story, the young child was apparently assaulted by the teenage son of the day care center owner.

While these drastic types of cases do happen, most daycare center accidents are avoidable and luckily don’t result in the loss of life.
Protection of the Law
Child care centers are strictly regulated under Florida Law and are expected to be safe places for our children to learn, grow, and develop during their formative years. We entrust the workers of these centers with our most prized possessions on a daily basis.
Unfortunately, our newsfeeds have been filled with story after story of injury and accidents that occur in daycares all over this state, where our children are supposed to be cared for, nurtured, and protected.
There are, however, several causes of daycare-related injuries, and we have compiled a brief list below.
The Main Causes of Child Care Center Accidents
Some of the most common causes of daycare-related injuries are a result of child mistreatment, accidental crib fires, lack of supervision, accidental ingestion of small toy parts, the use of defective or recalled toys, lack of child safety gates, lead-based paints within products, poorly maintained child play areas, rusty parts, sharp corners, uncovered electrical outlets, un-sanitized fabrics and surfaces, and window blind cords.
Before choosing a daycare center, make sure to ask questions about any safety concerns, and always take a full tour of the facilities. Gather information about the staff’s training and credentials, and observe their interaction with the other children. Although accidents can always happen, when staff members are untrained or inexperienced, the risk of injury is greater.
Injuries Associated with Daycare Accidents
If your child has been hurt in a daycare accident, the negligent parties could be liable for damages that you and your child incurred because of the accident. The harm that comes to a child can be scarring for not only the child, but the parents, as well.
Contact a Miami Attorney
Our children are precious, and as parents we want to do everything we can to make sure they are always safe and well taken care of when they are out of our care. We generally choose daycare centers with the expectation that they will provide our children with a protective and nurturing environment.